Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spelling Bee

Brynlee and the bee.......Spelling bee that is!

Brynlee was in the school spelling bee a week ago and did quite well!  The funny thing was, she told her teacher she didn't want to do the class spelling bee and then she ended up winning and moving on to the school spelling bee.  They divide the ages up 1st- 3rd Grades and 4th - 5th grades.  So after she won her class "bee",  we wore ourselves out studying and practicing the words!  Then came the dreaded day of the school spelling bee.  I don't know who was more nervous; Brynlee or me!  (it's a mom's perogative).  Anyway, Brynlees first word was "MEDIOCRE".  The whole audience gasped!  She spelled it right!!!  After she had spelled the word the principal told the audience to "please hold their gasps"!:)  She made it through 4 rounds and came out in 7th place for the school out of all the 1st - 3rd graders!  I was Quite proud of her and she was rather sad!  She wanted to Win a trophy!  Well, who can blame her!!!!!!